I'm using Windows 8.1. Currently, I set Window update to: Never check for updates (not recommended) Control Panel All Control Panel Items Windows Update Change settings I realize that the rundll32.exe & wicainventory.exe slow my computer down (it both uses 100% disk usage, especially, rundll32.exe use 100% Memory (up to 3GB)) after I install an add-on () for my Visual Studio 2015 (maybe it's a co-incident). Anyway, here's how rundll32.exe & wicainventory.exe slow down my PC. Stage 1: rundll32.exe uses a lot of my PC memory (3GB) & disk usage (100%).

Bt 177 sertifikat sootvetstviya. 110Tpe6J1qeMa¶ MOUIHOCTb, BT. NgTC 0139597 oprAH no ycnyr 't-ocyaapcvaeH'bt' MerpOJtor't.t I_tCM'). Mecro aapec: HOBropoa, 603950. Tenecþon cþaKC aapec mail@nncsm.ru. Pocc 1 1.07.2013. (asaScraH Pecny6n n Kacbr H H MeMneKerri K rexH h Kan bt K perrey xytzeci H i H MeunererriK risiniNriHAe ri pKenreH i 2015 x.( 09 u Kapaura po KZ63 I 03 r 1 6 2018 *. U 09 )) Kapaua AerZiH xapaMAbl Ocu ceprilSrKar 'MarrBnBoA' XmC KP, ru(O, OcrceMeH rq., A6afi gaqr., 102 (yriuu arayu, uexeH-xaisr) 6epinreH '. C 0103 RU C-DE.M1062.B.02249 K COOTBETCTBH¶ NQTC 0208753 Ongcartue 0601)YA0Baunq cpeacTB 06ecrreqe11H51 B3Pb1B03a111HTb1 ctreTt-1MKM SITRANS FM MAG 1 IOOEx/6000, MAG.

Download rundll32 exe windows 81 7Download Rundll32exe Windows 81

Jump to rundll32.exe - Windows 95/98/98SE/ME: C: Windows. Symptoms: Error message 'Cannot find file RUNDLL32.EXE', or 'Access to the specified. Windows 95: Download; Windows 98/98SE: Download; Windows ME: Download.

At this time, wicainventory.exe doesn't use much of my PC resource. In another word, rundll32.exe is abnormal, wicainventory.exe is normal. Stage 2: After a while, rundll32.exe doesn't use much of my PC resource. But this time, wicainventory.exe use a lot my my PC resource - It makes my disk usage up to 100%. In another word, rundll32.exe is normal, wicainventory.exe is abnormal.

Stage 3: After a while, my PC back to normal. (rundll32.exe is normal, wicainventory.exe is normal). This (stage 1,2,3) happens repeatedly on my PC (about a few day it happens again).

When this happens, I can't play game so it really annoying. This could be wicainventory.exe installs something on my PC behind my back. Is there anyway to find out what it is doing behind my back. Thanks for reading:).