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377 Psihologicheskih Voprosov Mvd377 Psihologicheskih Voprosov Mvd

An objective of the ADOT Corridor Profile Studies is to use a performance-based process to define baseline corridor performance, diagnose corridor needs and deficiencies, develop corridor solutions, and prioritize strategic corridor investments. A performance-based process was developed and five performance areas were defined to guide the performance-based corridor analyses. The five performance areas include: • Pavement performance • Bridge performance • Mobility performance • Safety performance • Freight performance Each performance area includes both primary measures and secondary measures which are quantitative. The primary measures are titled the Pavement Index, Bridge Index, Mobility Index, Safety Index, and Freight Index with each Index representing a combination of both directions of travel.

Each performance area contains a different number of secondary measures.

04 January 17/18 [2906 links] • • 2506.