The Path of Least Resistance. By Robert Fritz. Every PDF is recorded as a 20-minute MP3 for on-the-go learning. His books, starting with The Path of Least Resistance, develop the theory and application of structural dynamics and the creative process. Fritz, Robert.
“Creators understand that their emotions are not necessarily a sign of the circumstances. They understand that in desperate circumstances they may experience joy, and in jubilant circumstances they may feel regret. They know that any emotion will change.
But because emotions are not the centerpiece of their lives, they do not pander to them. They create what they create, not in reaction to their emotions but independent of them. On days filled with the depths of despair, they can create. On days filled with the heights of joy, they can create.” ― Robert Fritz. 377 psihologicheskih voprosov mvd.
“You are like a river. You go through life taking the path of least resistance. We all do—all human beings and all of nature. It is important to know that.
2 phase stepper motor. Dear friends I am trying to build a circuit which can control and drive a Berger Lahr 5 phase stepper motor (RDM 5913/50). The stepper motor can carry around 2 amps on each winding. I have a 5 phase stepper motor PK596-AE from oriental stepper motors and planning to use a driver with built in controller (CRD514-KD). The motor has 10 lead wires and the drives has 5. I figured out that the motor (bipolar-pentagon)-driver connection should be as shown below. The CRD 5-Phase Stepper Motor Driver with Built-in controller, Stored Data or Stored Program type, is a space saving, 5-phase driver / controller for New Pentagon type 5-phase stepper motors.
You may try to change the direction of your own flow in certain areas of your life—your eating habits, the way you work, the way you relate to others, the way you treat yourself, the attitudes you have about life. And you may even succeed for a time. But eventually you will find you return to your original behavior and attitudes. This is because your life is determined, insofar as it is a law of nature for you to take the path of least resistance.” ― Robert Fritz. “In the orientation of the creative, once you have consciously made the choice to be healthy and you are attracted to eating certain foods and following certain forms of exercise, you are involved in an organic process. The structural tendency of this organic process is for you to be attracted to those processes that will be particularly beneficial to your health.
Those processes might include the usual, expected ones, such as health food and exercise, as well as unexpected ones.” ― Robert Fritz.
One Sentence Summary of The Path of Least Resistance: Our freedom in life, like our freedom of movement in a building, is partly defined by its structure, thus to be able to create our life, and move towards our ideal, it is better to change its structure rather than change our behavior within the same framework, this book teaches us to do so by showing how we can create a structure in our life, which draws us inexorably, and almost effortlessly, along the path of least resistance- and pushes us to create what we really want for ourselves. By, 285 pages, 1984 (first edition), 1989 (current revised edition). Note: Because this book is extremely heavy and interesting, and somewhat dry (translation: difficult to summarize 🙂 ), I am posting it in two parts. Here is the first: Summary and Book Report of The Path of Least Resistance: Robert Fritz is an American composer, director and screenwriter, and creator of the Technologies for Creating concept that he teaches in the company he created, and that he shares with us in this book. He begins by telling us that the appear to have no precise structure. Yet they are built on former cow trails that existed in the 17th century.