Monthly 0.2 i-nashedshim-prezentaciya-novoj-knigi/ 2017-03-24T10:05:35+00:00 monthly.://
My mother has Alzheimer's disease and classical treatment causes unpleasant side effects - aggressive states that are suppressed by damping agents. My mom was apathetic after them, motorically very bad, incontinent, and with no interest in the surroundings. I tried to try alternative therapy and I was looking for what could help. I discovered on your site and tried to feed my mother. We have been using it since June, and my mom has improved dramatically.
We reduced the dosage of damping drugs, aggression disappeared, improved incontinence, motor skills, and communication skills. I know that this terrible illness cannot be cured, but I am grateful even for a small improvement, and I can just ascribe hemp. Nature has a solution for all, we are part of it, and we should use ourselves with the humor of what it gives us. So thankfully I thank you for using hemp to treat my mother.

They've been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. World wide web and internet. I've been looking for all the options to handle life and work. By chance, I came across and hoped for a miracle. I had big cramps in my stomach, I badly felt my left leg, arm, and torso. Absolute hell. After a week of use, spasms began to fade and finally, I felt better.
As a bonus, digestion was also adjusted. Hemp oil has become a necessity for me to continue working.
I believe I will be here for a long time, and this great miracle - hemp - will have a great merit.
While grazing the surface of Saturn’s rings on July 7, 2017, the Cassini spacecraft captured the highest resolution ever of the intricate patterns found within the central B Ring. We’ve converted all 2 million pixels of this image into musical notes with the brighter rings producing higher pitches. This allows Cassini to strum the ring system like a harp for one last song before its in September of 2017. Switching the harmony from major to minor will reveal a colour-enhanced version of the image in which regions with more water ice appear redder. Click anywhere on the image to begin or control Cassini with your keyboard!
(z = manual mode, x = automatic mode, c = slower, v = faster, n = major harmony, m = minor harmony) The open source javascript files used to create this are available along with our other interactive apps.