Oscar schmidt serial numbers where do I find it. Where do i find the serial number Posted by Anonymous on Mar 09, 2014. Washburn OB5 Oscar Schmidt 5 String Banjo. This warranty does not apply unless the product is registered within 10 days of the date of your purchase of the instrument. Registration can be done on our Web site at oscarschmidt.com or by mailing the attached Ownership Registration Card to Oscar Schmidt, 1000 Corporate Grove Dr., Buffalo Grove, IL.
• 2864 Answers SOURCE: Hello, Dianne - Auto harps are still being made under the Oscar Schmidt brand name. The company may hold records in its archives listing the years specific models and serial number ranges were manufactured. I suggest you contact the manufacturer and ask if there are records in the company archives which can give you and idea of the age of the instrument: There is also a discussion forum for those who are interested in auto harps: Autoharp Talk: You will need to register (free) to post a question.
Oscar Schmidt Musical Instruments Oscar Schmidt does not sell direct to the public. The Oscar Schmidt Company was founded in 1871 and incorporated in 1911. By the early 1900s, the company had five factories in Europe and a factory on Ferry Street in Jersey City. They made all kinds of stringed instruments, guitars, banjos, mandolins, ukuleles, zithers, and Autoharps®. The company prospered through the early 1920s. Oscar Schmidt instruments were sold in many rural parts of the country where no music stores existed. Salesmen distributed the products far and wide, making them available in general, small town furniture and dry goods stores.
Country guitar pickers and blues musicians living in areas of the South and in Appalachia, far from the city, frequently played Oscar Schmidt instruments because they were both inexpensive and available locally. But equally important, they were often chosen solely on merits of their superior tone and volume. Today at Oscar Schmidt, premium woods, quality hardware and modest prices create an ideal instrument. Each is inspected and adjusted in the USA by a skilled technician, your assurance for smooth fret ends, precision low action and resonant sound quality.
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Unequalled standards in easy playing comfort and tone response creates the perfect value. Oscar Schmidt.