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The Intercept reports that what began as an investigation into Blackwater founder Erik Prince’s attempts to sell defense services in Libya and other countries in Africa has widened to a probe of allegations that he received assistance from Chinese intelligence to set up an account for his Libya operations through the Bank of China. The Justice Department is also seeking to uncover the precise nature of Prince’s relationship with Chinese intelligence.

Trafareti Ovoschej I Fruktov Dlya Virezaniya Iz Bumagi

We get details from Matthew Cole and Jeremy Scahill about what they uncovered in their joint story, “Erik Prince in the Hot Seat: Blackwater’s Founder is Under Investigation for Money Laundering, Ties to Chinese Intel, and Brokering Mercenary Services.”.

Request PDF on ResearchGate Dvije brončane figurice iz Muzeja Franjevačkog samostana u Sinju The paper deals with two unpublished bronze statuettes from the Franciscan Museum in Sinj.

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