
Jan 28, 2011 - PalmOS freeware - DioPlayer for Palm OS is a FREE player for MP3 and WAV files. DioPlayer 1.0 PacDude 100 Percent 1.0 TCPMP 0.72RC1. Note: Download the ZIP file and install both the library file (DioLib.prc, must be. Palm tx free download - Palm Desktop, BDicty for Palm OS, PocketChess Deluxe for Palm OS, and many more programs. Palm tx free download - Palm Desktop, BDicty for Palm.

Ok here is the deal. I have inherited a Palm TX recently and I've loaded music into a 1 GB SD card with no problems I have a card reader in my laptop but I found that it took a long time for it to open so I got a card reader which opens it instantlly. I have many movies in my laptop which I would like to transfer into my a 2 GB SanDisck card. I've read everything I could find on the subject but I still can't view any movies. Ekey control4 driver reviews.

Tcpmp For Palm Tx Download

My first questions are as follows: Do I need to download TCPMP onto my palm? How do I do it? I downloaded it on to my laptop but nothing happend.

I HotSync and got an error message that said some data do not have security copyes!!?? I've tried other applications with the same results. I've draged Movies from my laptop onto the card and they where there so I know that's working. But when I put the card into my Palm all I see when I look at the card is a square with a red X in it and it tells me that it's not copatible or too big etc. I have been able to load short music videos strat into the palm desck top but that will not do I WANT TO SEE MY MOVIES!!! I take long bus trips every day and I don't allways want to listen to music.

I thought this device was sopposed to make my life easyer but instead I'm pulling what little hair I have left from the roots. Could some one walk me through this process so I can watch movies once and for all. I need help please!!!! You need to install TCPMP on the Palm. To do that drag the folder with the TCPMP application and other.prc files onto your SD card. Then go to the top of your TX screen and tap on the time display and you will get the option to Copy.

Select it then find the TCPMP files on your SD card which will be available to you at this time. After you Copy them you should be able to fine the TCPMP program in the unfiled category of your TX. Now put your SD card back in the computer an create a folder on it called Movies. Drag all the movies you want onto the folder.

Put the card back into the TX and launch TCPMP and use it to navigate to the movie files and play them. By far the best type of file to put on the TX, IMLTHO (in my less than humble opinion) is divx. You can make a failry high quality 2 hour movie file as small as 320 MB in size. Other compression types can make good quality files but they will be huge. The latest divx compression is amazing.

Click to expand.I think you must read the TX's manual, available online from Otherwise you'll keep pulling your hair and going nowhere.

It sounds as if this is your first Palm, so it's perfectly normal to be ignorant about the way it works (we've all been there). A PalmOS device is not the same as a Windows device, so first you must learn how it works. Take your time, learn your device, get to know what it can and can't do, and how to get it to do it. In time you'll see that the TX does make your life easier and more enjoyable too. I'd avoid adding TCPMP via the SD card.

I think your best bet as a beginner is to simply double-click on the TCPMP files and plugins you want so they appear in your Quick Install queue (you may have to unzip the files on your computer first). If you are getting a red 'x,' maybe your 2 GB SD card is really an SDHC card, in which case you need the utility from Palm Power Ups to use it, or buy some 2 or 4 GB SD(ONLY) cards. A regular SD card should be fine (a movies folder is nice, but I don't think it's actually required; but I may be wrong about that). TCPMP should find whatever compatible video files there are pretty easily.

With the card reader, all you should have to do is drag the files on your computer onto the card and you should be set to go (if they are in the appropriate format). Search the Palm forums. There are MANY good threads covering converting video for use on a TX and playing through TCPMP, Kinoma, and CorePlayer.