New Civilization News: 'Against War' New Civilization News: 'Against War' 'Against War' 7 Sep 2002 @ 21:21, by John Finn Against War September 08, 2002 By Neve Gordon I am against the war, the (perpetual) war on terrorism as well as the war against Iraq. I am against empire, the control of nearly 40 percent of the world's resources secured by the deployment of air, naval, and ground forces in over 800 bases across the globe. And I am against deception; the claim that United States foreign policy is aimed at ensuring freedom, justice and democracy around the world, when in fact its overseas agenda is driven by corporate greed, power and domination. With the Bush administration determined -- rhetoric aside -- to oust Saddam Hussein and gain control of oil resources in Iraq, in what will most likely become an extremely bloody conquest, and the democratic party rambling along without even a murmur of protest, it is high time that ordinary citizens speak out clearly and stridently against Bush's insane imperialistic aspirations.

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My claim is straightforward: in the name of fighting terrorism and spreading democracy around the globe -- which is outright propaganda considering the embrace of Pakistan's new dictator -- the Bush administration is undermining democratic processes and institutions within the United States. Put differently, Bush is exploiting both grief and fear to ruin the very essence of democratic life. Let's look at the facts. In order to fund his wars, Bush is insisting on a $48 billion increase to the current $335 billion military budget, thus designating 53 percent of government spending on the military budget, which is already over twenty-three times the combined military spending of countries identified by the Pentagon as likely adversaries: Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan and Syria. Meanwhile, only 9 percent of the budget will go towards education and social services, and 6 percent to health. All this at a time when almost 17 percent of children in the U.S. Live in poverty, 44 million people have no health insurance, and 85 percent of public schools need repair.

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Incidentally, the cost of one B-2 Bomber would be enough to repair over 1,000 aging school buildings. The intolerance towards the plight of the poor is accompanied by a rapid increase in the authoritarian elements of state power. Not enough can be said on the ongoing attack on civil liberties, which began when the USA Patriot Act anti-terror bill was passed in October of last year.

Due process has been suspended in many areas of the criminal justice system, including the right to speedy trial, freedom from arbitrary police searches, prohibition against indefinite incarceration and incognito detentions. Surveillance authority has also been widely broadened, whether through wiretapping or through the federal government's sweeping new powers to investigate electronic communications, personal and financial records, computer hard drives and other individual documents. Chiti na lavacraft youtube. In order to justify its foreign policy goals, the administration has been demonizing all perceived enemies and in this way has helped awaken local xenophobic tendencies. Not surprisingly, this jingoistic tactic has had far reaching ramifications for Arabs and Muslims inside the U.S. Bush's Manichean worldview alongside his attack on civil liberties and utter lack of compassion towards the poor is done in the name of some distorted notion of patriotism. Anyone who so much as questions the rationality of the policies is immediately shut up and ostracized. All of which amounts to a drastic diminution of what political philosopher Hannah Arendt called the public sphere.