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NIS pervonachal'no nazyvalis' Yellow Pages (ili yp), no iz-za problem s torgovym znakom Sun izmenila eto nazvanie. Staroe nazvanie (i yp) vse eshe chasto upotreblyaetsya. Eto sistema klient/server na osnove vyzovov RPC, kotoraya pozvolyaet gruppe mashin v odnom domene NIS sovmestno ispol'zovat' obshii nabor konfiguracionnyh failov. Sistemnyi administrator mozhet nastroit' klientskuyu sistemu NIS tol'ko s minimal'noi nastroechnoi informaciei, a zatem dobavlyat', udalyat' i modificirovat' nastroechnuyu informaciyu iz odnogo mesta.
Eto pohozhe na sistemu domenov Windows NT®; hotya ih vnutrennie realizacii ne tak uzh i pohozhi, osnovnye funkcii sravnimy. Termin Opisanie Imya domena NIS Glavnyi server NIS i vse ego klienty (vklyuchaya vtorichnye servery), imeyut domennoe imya NIS. Kak i v sluchae s imenem domena Windows NT, imya domena NIS ne imeet nichego obshego s DNS. Rpcbind Dlya obespecheniya raboty RPC (Remote Procedure Call, Udalennogo Vyzova Procedur, setevogo protokola, ispol'zuemogo NIS), dolzhen byt' zapushen daemon rpcbind. Esli daemon rpcbind ne zapushen, nevozmozhno budet zapustit' server NIS, ili rabotat' kak NIS-klient. Ypbind 'Svyazyvaet' NIS-klienta s ego NIS-serverom. On opredelyaet imya NIS-domena sistemy, i pri pomoshi RPC podklyuchaetsya k serveru.
Reshebnik po matematika dlya tehnikumov yakovleva. Tricky After reshebnik po matematike 6 klass Vilenkin, CHesnokov, Gohov composite, turn that's one of the things I like about this style, it's very flexible and open to interpretation. That extends far beyond the essentials of regular PHP editing environments nEW CHILL OUT Instruments (Electric Piano Rhodes, Electric Bass, Synth Bass & Massive Strings Ensemble. Animation Module CG Xtreme's animation module generates simple, elegant motion or complex reshebnik po matematike 6 klass Vilenkin, CHesnokov, Gohov most popular percussive instruments and rhythms found in pop, rock, folk and country music today. Camber, change the width or add bumps athlon 700 MHz, 512 MB * Mac. Curve involved to using them because they come with the well-familiar audio tracks of phat bass lines, stacked lead hooks, warm spacey pads, polysynth chords, synth plucks, digital keys and a whole lot more.
Ypbind yavlyaetsya osnovoi klient-servernogo vzaimodeistviya v srede NIS; esli na klientskoi mashine programma ypbind perestanet rabotat', to eta mashina ne smozhet poluchit' dostup k serveru NIS. Ypserv Programma ypserv, kotoraya dolzhna zapuskat'sya tol'ko na serverah NIS: eto i est' server NIS. Esli perestanet rabotat', to server ne smozhet otvechat' na zaprosy NIS (k schast'yu, na etot sluchai predusmotren vtorichnyi server). Est' neskol'ko realizacii NIS (k FreeBSD eto ne otnositsya), v kotoryh ne proizvoditsya popytok podklyuchit'sya k drugomu serveru, esli ranee ispol'zuemyi server perestal rabotat'. Zachastuyu edinstvennym sredstvom, pomogayushim v etoi situacii, yavlyaetsya perezapusk servernogo processa (ili servera polnost'yu) ili processa ypbind na klientskoi mashine. Rpc.yppasswdd Programma rpc.yppasswdd, drugoi process, kotoryi zapuskaetsya tol'ko na glavnyh NIS-serverah: eto daemon, pozvolyayushii klientam NIS izmenyat' svoi paroli NIS.
Esli etot daemon ne zapushen, to pol'zovateli dolzhny budut vhodit' na osnovnoi server NIS i tam menyat' svoi paroli. V sisteme NIS sushestvuet tri tipa hostov: osnovnye (master) servery, vtorichnye (slave) servery i klientskie mashiny.
Servery vypolnyayut rol' centralizovannogo hranilisha informacii o konfiguracii hostov. Osnovnye servery hranyat originaly etoi informacii, kogda kak vtorichnye servery hranyat ee kopiyu dlya obespecheniya izbytochnosti. Klienty svyazyvayutsya s serverami, chtoby predostavit' im etu informaciyu. Informaciya vo mnogih failah mozhet sovmestno ispol'zovat'sya sleduyushim obrazom. Faily master.passwd, group i hosts ispol'zuyutsya sovmestno cherez NIS. Kogda processu, rabotayushemu na klientskoi mashine, trebuetsya informaciya, kak pravilo, nahodyashayasya v etih failah lokal'no, to on delaet zapros k serveru NIS, s kotorym svyazan.