Philippine Electrical Code The Philippine Electrical Code ( PEC) covers almost every electrical installation in the Philippines from its design to operation as the foreword to the PEC 2009 Part 1 Volume 1 by Ramon Cristobal, President of ACMEEE, to quote The Philippine Electrical Code is used nationally as the basis for safeguarding persons, buildings and its contents from hazards that may arise from the use of electricity. Also in Clause (a), Practical Safeguarding states that 'The purpose of this Code is the practical safeguarding of persons and property from hazards arsing from the use of electricity'. Members of the ACMEEE are the people responsible of ensuring the compliance of electrical plans and specifications to the PEC.
They are the people responsible for issuing the Electrical Permits which is a requirement for construction and occupancy. The PEC 2009 has started its standards harmonization with the IEC as initiated by the 2005 edition of NFPA 70. Ogziga olish mumkin mi. This is a global trend happening not only in the Philippines. The US and Australia are the countries I particularly know of adopting the IEC for their standard harmonization. Standard harmonization requires a lot of work.
2- PEC Part 1 Vol 1 (a) - Download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Philippine electrical code 1.
I particularly want to congratulate the members of the PEC committee for their work. I will be discussing standards harmonization in my succeeding articles. Note: Please visit us at.
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