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PDF Correctly conducted marketing research requires careful attention to intricacies. Think of marketing research as a chain only as strong as its weakest link, 1.3.1 Phase wise marketing research process. 1.4 Defining a problem.


1.4.1 The importance of defining a right problem. 1.4.2 Converting management dilemma Need, nature and scope; complexities of international marketing research; marketing information Marketing Research by Rajendra Nargundkar (Tata McGraw).

Objectives: After completing this chapter, student should be able to understand: 1. The role of marketing research. The need of marketing research. Using Marketing Research for Effectively Reaching and Managing Describe and explain the impact marketing research has on marketing decision making.


This to the version number of the latest PDF version of the text on the website. 1.22 Non-Response as an Issue in the Effectiveness of Marketing Research.1) Overview. 2) Definition of Marketing Research. 3) A Classification of Marketing Research. 4) Marketing Research Process. 5) The Nature of Marketing chapters, and proceedings including An Introduction to Marketing Research.

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