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Classic Tetris with six kinds of game: • Marathon. Practically classic Tetris, you have to get to maximum height (to 150 lines). A maximum result after 2 minutes of playing • 40 lines.
Create forty lines as quickly as possible • Against. You are playing against a computer opponent. Each of you has your own Tetris (playing field), but you may also 'attack' your opponent by making two lines in succession. Attacks cause appearance of additional blocks to their playing field. One more play against computer, in which you are to earn a certain amount of points. Multiplayer mode with up to four persons.
You pass the phone between the players and the winner is the one who will score the biggest amount of points. Play Tetris Marathon game! Download it for Java phones right now! Tetris Marathon is one of the best games. You will certainly enjoy its fascinating gameplay. You can get any mobile game for your cell phone absolutely free of charge directly on this site.
If you want any other java game - select it from the upper block. Block forms randomly so you always can play in something new. Also you can use Games Xpress for even more quick game selection! Just with one click you can see screenshots of all our games and download those which you like. And don't forget! You can download Tetris Marathon for mobile phone on our site totally free and get it via PC, by WAP or QR code.
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I rotate each piece by rotation formula. More detail, because rotation angle is 90 so: xNew = y; yNew = -x; But my method has met two problems: 1) Out of box: each type of pieces is fit in square 4x4. (0,0 at under left) But by this rotation, at some case they will out of this box. For example, there is a point with coordinate (5,6) So, please help me how to fit these coordinate into 4x4 box again, or give me another formula for this.

2) at I case: (4 squares at same row or same column), just has two rotations case. But in method above, they still has 4 pieces. Nastavlenie po svyazi vs rf. So, how to prevent this. Copying my answer to your closed question on SO: The Tetris board is a grid layout.
A very simple way of understanding is that a Tetris piece is just a set number of squares that are 'filled'. In a boolean sense, a piece can be viewed as 0, or unfilled, or 1, filled. Using a grid (or tile-based) approach will prevent your blocks from ever going out of bounds and as an added bonus also simplifies collision code when you reach a bottom-collision. Pseudo-code: You can do a check if (!grid[x][y]) block.move(direction) where grid[x][y] is a space you want to move into and block.move(direction) is an arbitrary function that adjusts your piece and map by one grid space in whatever direction is specified. In this sense, your game loop could also use block.move('down') to drop the piece incrementally and else block.stop(), game.generateBlock() for the next piece. Using the grid method, you can easily check to see if your rotated piece will be out-of-bounds as if(x gridWidth) block.move(direction), in which direction is the direction opposite of the way it would had moved out-of-bounds. Continuing with the grid-based example, your pieces are really just a pattern of on/off as well and their rotation is displayed as so: ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ or ▇ ▇ ▇ or ▇ or ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ What is illustrated just by this rudimentary artwork is that the pieces don't rotate around a central point due to the often rectangular pieces.