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Lokacija Situated on its northern part, only 2 km from Lastovo village, it is well known for its so called islet 'Zaklopatica' on which the rare specie of birds - called Kaukala is nesting. Zaklopatica is heaven for divers and yachtsmen who can enjoy the well-know beauties of the Lastovo archipelago and its magnificent bays. Zaklopatica offers a breath taking view of the neighboring island Korčula. Here you can enjoy sunbathing, swimming, leisurely walks and many restaurants offering the best of Dalmatian cuisine. From Zaklopatica You can enjoy into beautiful and unique sunset. Gastronomical offer Restaurant “Santor” is situated near the sea in Zaklopatica bay. Buklet mi za zdorovij obraz zhizni 10.
They work in a peaceful atmosphere with no more than 30 guests, so that they. Located by the sea in Zaklopatica bay in addition to the standard of Mediterranean cuisine, Aragosta Tavern offers the following specialties: Carpaccio (carpaccio) of first-class. Located in Zaklopatica bay offers variety of fish and meat specialties as well as jumbo size pizza. In a pleasant atmosphere of a Dalmatian tavern and following the recipes of our ancestors, specialties of fish from the depths of Lastovo, and the. Triton is a centre of excellence for all those coming from other places and cultures in search of the best in terms of style. Frequently asked questions 1.Is there ATM machine on the island??? We have two ATM mashines on the island; near Splitska banka in Lastovo and in Port near Jadrolinija’s office.