New Features for Compaq Visual Fortran Version 6.6 Page 2 of 2 keywords in place of p5, p6, and p6p. LThe /ccdefault:default option now allows other options, such as /vms, to set the default carriage control. LThe keyword /fpscomp:ldio_spacing, for list-directed output, controls whether a blank is inserted at run-time after a numeric value before a. 09/25/14--00:41: No email with evaluation license file attached. Whether the Fortran compiler is Compaq using '-what' did not match 'Compaq Visual Fortran'.
I am attempting to compile the LAPACK library locally on my machine and I receive the following error output. Compiling the Fortran compiler identification source file 'CMakeFortranCompilerId.F' failed. Compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/Intel/Composer XE/bin/intel64/ifort.exe Build flags: Id flags: The output was: 1 Microsoft (R) Visual Studio Version 10.0.40219.1. Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
Eightball mjg discography rar download. Package 'Intel.Fortran.IFLangService.IFLangServicePackage, IFLangService, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' failed to load. Package 'Intel.Fortran.IFLangService.IFLangServicePackage, IFLangService, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' failed to load. Filjmi haruna yahji torrent download.
Package 'Intel.Fortran.IFLangService.IFLangServicePackage, IFLangService, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' failed to load. Package 'Intel.Fortran.IFLangService.IFLangServicePackage, IFLangService, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' failed to load. 1>------ Build started: Project: CompilerIdFortran, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1>Compiling with Intel(R) Visual Fortran Compiler XE [IA-32]. 1>CMakeFortranCompilerId.F 1>Intel(R) Visual Fortran Compiler XE for applications running on IA-32, Version Build 20140726 1>Copyright (C) 1985-2014 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
1>ifort: NOTE: The evaluation period for this product ends on 24-oct-2014 UTC. 1>rc.exe not found. 1> 1>Build log written to 'file://C: Users jconnolly7 Desktop LAPACK CMakeFiles 3.0.2 CompilerIdFortran Debug BuildLog.htm' 1>CompilerIdFortran - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s) ========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ========== Checking whether the Fortran compiler is Compaq using '-what' did not match 'Compaq Visual Fortran': Error: A license for FCompW is not available (-158,61003,2). License file(s) used were (in this order): 1. Trusted Storage 2.
C: Program Files (x86) Common Files Intel Licenses *.lic 3. C: Program Files Common Files Intel Licenses 4. C: PROGRA~2 Intel COMPOS~2 bin intel64 *.lic Please visit if you require technical assistance. Ifort: error #10052: could not checkout FLEXlm license Checking whether the Fortran compiler is NAG using '-V' did not match 'NAG Fortran Compiler': Error: A license for FCompW is not available (-158,61003,2). License file(s) used were (in this order): 1.
Trusted Storage 2. C: Program Files (x86) Common Files Intel Licenses *.lic 3.
C: Program Files Common Files Intel Licenses 4. C: PROGRA~2 Intel COMPOS~2 bin intel64 *.lic Please visit if you require technical assistance. Ifort: error #10052: could not checkout FLEXlm license Determining if the Fortran compiler works failed with the following output: Change Dir: C:/Users/jconnolly7/Desktop/LAPACK/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp Run Build Command:'c:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0/Common7/IDE/'CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE.sln'/build'Debug'/project'cmTryCompileExec' Microsoft (R) Visual Studio Version 10.0.40219.1. Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
Package 'Intel.Fortran.IFLangService.IFLangServicePackage, IFLangService, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' failed to load. Package 'Intel.Fortran.IFLangService.IFLangServicePackage, IFLangService, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' failed to load. Package 'Intel.Fortran.IFLangService.IFLangServicePackage, IFLangService, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' failed to load. Package 'Intel.Fortran.IFLangService.IFLangServicePackage, IFLangService, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' failed to load. 1>------ Build started: Project: cmTryCompileExec, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1>Compiling with Intel(R) Visual Fortran Compiler XE [IA-32]. 1>testFortranCompiler.f 1>Intel(R) Visual Fortran Compiler XE for applications running on IA-32, Version Build 20140726 1>Copyright (C) 1985-2014 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.