Nevertheless, many women experience fear,When the doctor assigns this analysis to them. To dispel all fears, it is worthwhile to understand well what the research is and whether there are any risks. What kind of analysis is this? Coagulogram is a rather complex study that allows to assess the condition of the hemostasis system.

That is, using this analysis, you can identify any violations, if they are present. The life-support of a person fully depends onfrom the state of the blood, and during pregnancy this is especially important. Mother nature has provided everything and therefore created a system of hemostasis, which maintains blood in the necessary state.


Understanding what this analysis is - a coagulogram, will avoid unwanted stressful situations that only harm the woman herself and the unborn child. Thanks to hemostasis, the blood thickens when the vessels are damaged to avoid bleeding. It can also liquefy so that the circulatory system does not become clogged. In other words, the coagulogram allows us to determinedegree of coagulation of blood.

Koagulogramma Protrombīns ir koagulācijas faktors. Šis rādītājs ir viens no svarīgākajiem. Tas ir tas, kurš raksturo asins recēšanas sistēmas stāvokli. Jebkādas izmaiņas tā daudzumā var izraisīt asinsreces traucējumus. Tas var radīt nespēju veikt operatīvu iejaukšanos. Leave this field blank.

With high hemostasis (hypercoagulability), blood clots form rapidly, which threatens with thrombosis, stroke or heart attack. In the case of a decrease in hemostasis (hypocoagulation), thrombi are formed much more slowly, which also does not benefit. In this case, even a slight damage to the blood vessels can threaten large blood loss. The role of analysis In the period of gestation, an important role is played bycoagulogram indices. In pregnancy, the state of hemostasis is very important. So, if hypocoagulation is detected, the risk of miscarriage, with spontaneous and premature delivery, increases, and when the child is born there may be abundant blood loss.

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Of all complications of pregnancy, the most seriousare pre-eclampsia, venous thrombosis, thrombophilia. Coagulogram allows to reveal any possible deviations and prevent development of some complications. And as for such a case as vein thrombosis, in pregnant women the risk of its occurrence is 5 times higher! The need for the analysis What is the analysis is now clear, butIs it necessary to give it to pregnant women? Soon everything will be clear. During the period of gestation, it is important that hemostasis rates are kept to normal.